Monday, August 18, 2014

We're going on an Alaska cruise in September. I made this journal to take with me to collect memories and impressions and postcards and memorabilia. It's a recycled book with 3 signatures sewn in with the triple chain stitch which I learned in Mary Ann Moss' class, Full Tilt Boogie.

Lots of space to write and add stuff. I'll add photos when we return.

1 comment:

Wendy Watson said...

So impressive! I'm still weaving up a storm and have some outdoor, more sculptural projects in mind but book binding has been calling ever since taking a tacket stitch class with Diana Trout.

And Full Tilt Boogie is very highly recommended by a number of people . . . maybe that's my follow p to attending this weekend:

Why aren't there enough hours in the day even though I have all day?