It was then the idea of treasures in the sea came to me, so I added beading to represent those treasures. I burned and ripped the cheesecloth, which now represented a net to capture the treasures. Also, my husband brought me flowers one day when I was working on this, and I added some of plastic wrapping to represent garbage found in the sea.
I used the pillow case method for adding the backing fabric and interfacing because I didn’t feel it needed a border but I was able to keep the netting free. I quilted some around the “house” but that is all. I now wish I had waited to add the swirly and embroidery stitches until all the sandwich was constructed so there would be more dimension. Oh well, with each piece I do learn … and that is what this journey is all about! My husband sees star wars, with planets floating around … what do you see?
"Treasure Hunt" Commercial cottons, batik, painted cheesecloth, beads, embroidery thread. 15x12
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