Friday, September 07, 2007


Not “feeling” current projects. They are not speaking to me. Neither of them is telling me what to do next. Wandered through Joann’s lingering over the packets of fat quarters. Love how they are so coordinated and pretty. Browsed through books, looking for inspiration. With exception of one quilt (having to do with house and heart shapes), nothing really grabbed me. I need to continue on with my QOTW group challenge (due November 10th) because it will require lots of hand quilting. But even that spark has dimmed.

When I look at my “body of work”, very little is calling me for more (with the exception of the “cabin” theme and funky nine-block with heart shapes). But these seem so “naïve”, so juvenile. Where is the depth? Plus I have no time anymore now that I’m back in school. Why did I load myself up with so many papers to read and grade? Today could be an art day but I have papers …

Where do I go for inspiration? To the many books and magazines I have? To the sketchbooks I fill with images and ideas? To the blogs of artists that I admire? I have hundreds of post-it notes on pages to inspire me. And I have several projects in various stages of completion. These aren’t calling me either.

I’m almost questioning my purpose, why am I doing this? I look at my finished work and some say “that’s nice” but for the most part, it’s “so what?” I still haven’t found a true passion, something I want to repeat and refine and …

Pretty discouraged right now. There seems like nothing inside me that wants (needs) to be expressed. Does anyone else ever feel this way?


Karoda said...

Give yourself premission to let your voice rest...since you're back in school it could be you're feeling the needed shift to attend to other matters...have you felt like this before? the creative voice always calls again. ;)

Jan's Art and Musings said...

Thanks for the encouragement. I have felt this way before ... and yes, the creative voice does call again. Sometimes it's difficult to remember that.

Nellie's Needles said...

What you're experiencing is all part of the ebb and flow of "life" and of "making art". Your creativity isn't lost, it's just being quiet ... it's taking a back seat. After all, we aren't super women able to do ALL things at ALL times.