Thursday, March 29, 2012

Rainy Sunday

On Sunday, it rained and rained ... and I created. These are my final pieces for the Composition Class. Really enjoyed exploring various compositions. I particularly enjoyed practicing layering, which has been challenging for me. I feel I'm on the road to understanding more of how to create interesting backgrounds.
Dancin' on a Rainy Sunday 
This was a playful piece ... a perfect companion to the blustery rainy weather outside.
Transitions 4
 My work and careers have followed many paths, from secretary to professor. Along the way I have collected many memories, forming a rich and layered life.
Transitions 5
And now I at a crossroad to a new life, a new era. Perhaps less complex, more simplified. Yet still filled with color and texture.

1 comment:

Wendy @ the Late Start Studio said...

Today there is brilliant authumn suhshine - broad beans to plant, a beach to walk. I want to make the most of the weather before winter.